A funny, heartwarming and entertaining Christmas story about music, friendship, death and most of all, love.
An older gentleman with a fake moustache and a viola dies on a plane traveling from London to Oslo. His name is Fredrik Mozart Sandvik and among his sparce possesion they find a bundle of letters addressed to his daughter Vilma. The 35-year-old Vilma lives alone and has no knowledge of her father. After all, she has her hands full with avoiding an early death, prepping in her basement and staying away from radioactive bananas. Well, when she is not busy working with her kind of annoying piano pupil.
But when a handsome priest and a pathologist with verbal Tourette’s suddenly shows up at her door with the letters from her dead father, everything changes.
There have not been many men in Vilma’s life, but now she suddenly has to deal with two of them – or three, if you count her dead father.