Wimelbuch Find Murchik!
Posted in We read and play, 23/01/2020 By Admin

And what is it for, you ask? And here is why:
- inventing different stories, the child develops his imagination and fantasy
- considering various small details, mindfulness and memory develop
- the vocabulary is enriched, because there are so many different things that we use in everyday life, etc.
A series of vimelbukhov from the publishing house Ranok "Find Murchik" can be read and viewed with children from 2 years old. Look at the pictures together, open the window, look for new objects. And most importantly - come up with your story about the cat Murchik and his wonderful friends.
The series includes 4 books:
- We go camping. 19 windows - go camping with the cat Murchik and his best friend, the dog Gavchik. Find out what things should always be in the pack of an avid adventurer, how to make a fire and what you can do on the river.
- Seasons. 17 windows - The cat Murchik and his best friends will find out what is attractive every season of the year. When you need to work to harvest, and when you can relax and play snowballs. Search and learn new subjects, enrich the vocabulary of the baby, which will be very useful in his life.
- Here it is, a holiday! 15 windows - Who doesn’t like holidays? And the stubborn cat Murchik had a real party with his friends. They will be waiting for interesting games, lots of toys and incredibly tasty goodies. Open the window, find interesting objects and invent your story how Murchik and his friends spent their unusual day.
- To the store! 17 windows - Today Murchik together with friends goes to the store. After all, it is there where you can buy new clothes, a ball to play football with friends, or the most delicious cinnamon rolls. Play the game - who will quickly find the item, and come up with a new adventure together.