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The 78-Story Treehouse: Moo-vie Madness!

Andy and Terry live in a 78-story treehouse. (It used to be a 65-story treehouse, but they just keep building more levels!) It has a drive-thru car wash, a courtroom with a robot judge called Edward Gavelhead, a scribbletorium, a combining machine, an ALL-BALL sports stadium, a high-security potato chip storage facility, and an open-air movie theatre with a super-giant screen . . . which is a very useful thing to have now that Terry’s going to be a big-shot movie star!

After Andy gets cut out of the movie, he and Terry have a big fight and decide they don’t want to be best friends anymore. But with a herd of sneaky spy cows out to steal all their story ideas, can Andy and Terry make up before it’s too late?

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Publishing house Publishing house ARTBOOKS
Сategory Teenage literature
Author Andy Griffiths
Code 9789661545679
Pages 380
Dimensions, mm 140x215x26
Weight, kg 0.510
Child's age 7+
Language Ukrainian
Cover Hard


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