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Encyclopedia for girls

This book will become a faithful assistant on the way of your growing up. Thanks to the book, you will learn how to learn to be a faithful friend, an interesting interlocutor and communicate without conflicts with peers, parents and teachers. On the pages of the book you will find the secrets of beauty and health. You will learn how to properly care for your appearance, skin and hair, maintain good physical shape, as well as dress stylishly and be the most attractive and charming.

In addition, you will receive your first cooking lessons and learn the secrets of a real housewife, for example: how to make your room cozy, how to clean the house, and even how to prepare for the New Year or celebrate your birthday. The basics of etiquette given in the book will help you to behave properly at guests and at the table, as well as to establish relationships with others.

Thanks to this book, you will learn how to achieve success and reveal all your talents.
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Publishing house Gloria Publishing House
Сategory Encyclopedia of a student
Author Author not specified
Code 9786175366349
Pages 128
Dimensions, mm 200х265x10
Weight, kg 0.430
Child's age 7+
Language Ukrainian
Cover Hard


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